
Bed bugs infestation can be a big problem. Bed bugs are unwelcome guests. Any signs of bug infestation, instigates us to take measures to eradicate them from our space. We all keep our homes clean and clutter-free mainly to maintain hygiene and keep unwanted guests at bay.

If unfortunately, despite all your attempts, you do have bed bugs sharing your space without paying rent, we have just the solution for you. Learn the various ways you can get rid of bed bugs which is best suited for you.

Understanding the Bed Bugs

Small, brownish bugs called bed bugs are famous for getting into homes, especially beds. These bugs, part of the Cimicidae family, survive by drinking the blood of people and other warm-blooded animals.

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Characteristics and Behaviour of the bed bugs

  • Size and Appearance: Adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed (5-7 mm) and reddish-brown. They have flat, oval-shaped bodies and six legs. Nymphs (young) are smaller and lighter in color.
  • Nocturnal Creatures: Bed bugs are primarily active at night, seeking out sleeping humans for blood meals. They can live for several months without feeding.
  • Excellent Hiders: These sneaky insects can hide in cracks and crevices of mattresses, furniture, walls, and even electronics.
  • Hitchhiking Specialists: They readily travel on luggage, clothes, and secondhand furniture, making them easy to spread.

Common Signs of Infestation

  • Bites: Bed bug bites are often itchy, and red, and appear in a line or cluster. Some people may not experience any reaction.
  • Bloodstains: Tiny reddish-brown stains on sheets, mattresses, or furniture can indicate bed bug activity.
  • Fecal Matter: Dark brown, pepper-like specks near hiding places are signs of bed bug droppings.
  • Cast Skins: As bed bugs grow, they shed their translucent exoskeletons, leaving them behind near their harborages.
  • Musty Smell: Bed bugs emit a distinctive musty or sweet odor, noticeable in heavily infested areas.
  • Live Bed Bugs: The most definitive sign is spotting live bed bugs, nymphs, or eggs (tiny white oval objects)

How to prepare yourself to get rid of bed bugs?

Preparation is key to successful bed bug elimination. By taking proactive steps before treatment, you can maximize its effectiveness and minimize the inconvenience.

Reduce Clutter

You should clear out your bedrooms and living areas to make it tough for bed bugs to find hiding spots and make treatments easier. Get rid of extra furniture and stuff, and store them in sealed plastic bins away from the infested area. Keep things simple by vacuuming regularly, and paying close attention to cracks, crevices, furniture seams, and mattress edges. 

Taking these steps helps you keep those pesky bugs at bay.

Make Your Bed an Island

Scoot your bed away from walls and furniture to make it hard for bed bugs to climb on board. Wrap your mattress and box spring in covers that don’t let bugs in or out – it’s like bug-proofing your bed. Stick some traps (they call them interceptors) under your bed legs to snag any bugs trying to sneak up. 

These moves are like giving bed bugs a firm “no entry” notice.

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Clean All Items in the Living Area

Let’s kick those bed bugs out with easy moves. Wash all your bedding, clothes, and curtains in hot water (at least 50°C), then throw them in the dryer on high heat. For things that can’t be washed, seal them in plastic bags and freeze them for four days – bugs can’t stand the cold.

Finally, give your furniture and carpets a good steam clean. It’s like a bug eviction notice for your place!

Eliminate Bed Bug Habitats

Plug up any holes in walls and furniture with caulk to keep bugs out. Fix any ripped stuff like wallpaper or upholstery – bugs love hiding there

And, remember to clear out the mess behind furniture and under beds. It’s like giving those bugs a no-entry sign!

Identifying infested areas

The following table will help you understand where to look for hidden bed bugs around your house.

Area Inspection Points
Sleeping Area
Mattress and box spring Check seams, folds, tufts, and edges for live bugs, fecal matter, shed skins, or bloodstains.
Headboard and bed frame Examine cracks, crevices, and joints for signs of bed bug activity.
Sheets and pillowcases Look for bloodstains and small dark brown specks.
Sofas, chairs, armchairs Focus on seams, cushions, undersides, and areas near the legs.
Dressers, nightstands Inspect cracks, drawers, joints, and backs for any signs of bed bugs.
Other Potential Hiding Places
Baseboards and walls Look for cracks, and crevices, and check behind electrical outlets.
Carpets and rugs Pay attention to areas near beds, furniture, and baseboards.
Electronics Inspect behind and underneath TVs, computers, and other devices.
Luggage and clothes Especially check after traveling or storing them for extended periods.
Clutter (e.g., picture frames, books) These items may provide hiding places for bed bugs.

Tips for Identifying Infestation

  • Look for signs at night: Use a flashlight during bed bugs’ most active hours.
  • Use a magnifying glass: This aids in spotting small bed bugs, eggs, and shed skins.
  • Place interceptors under furniture legs: Traps to capture climbing bed bugs.
  • Sniff for a musty smell: A strong odor could signal a significant infestation.
  • Consult a professional: Pest control experts are adept at spotting even small infestations.

What are your bed bug treatment Options?

You have two possible ways of going about the treatment, to get rid of bed bugs. The first one is the chemical treatment option and the other one is the Non-chemical treatment. Worried? Don’t be, for we have explained how each of the treatments works so you can use the best one suited for you.

Chemical treatment and its explanation are given below;

Chemical Treatments

Treatment Description
Insecticide Sprays (link amazon ) Applied directly to cracks and crevices, tailored to the severity of the bed bug infestation.
Dust Powders are applied to hiding places, killing bed bugs on contact.
Fumigation Utilizes gas to exterminate bed bugs throughout an entire structure, ideal for large infestations or persistent cases.

And now for the Non- Chemical Treatment

Non-Chemical Treatments

Treatment Description
Heat Treatment Uses high temperatures to kill bed bugs in all stages of development; effective but requires professional equipment and can be costly.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Natural powder that absorbs oils from bed bugs, causing dehydration; safe but messy, may irritate skin and lungs if inhaled.
Aprehend Biopesticide Utilizes a fungus to infect bed bugs and disrupt their reproduction; relatively new and less widely available but may be effective.
Steam Cleaning While not a standalone solution, steam kills bed bugs on contact, especially effective for treating furniture and mattresses.
Interceptors Traps placed under furniture legs to capture bed bugs attempting to climb; useful for monitoring and tracking infestations.
Mattress Encasements Seals off mattresses and box springs, preventing bed bugs from entering or escaping; a preventative measure used in conjunction with other treatments.

Preventive Measures to keep the bed bugs at bay

  • Stay Tidy: Keep things neat around beds, furniture, and cracks – no cozy spots for bed bugs.
  • Wrap It Up: Use snug encasements for mattresses and box springs to trap those sneaky bugs and check for wear and tear.
  • Spot the Signs: Regularly inspect beds and furniture for any signs of bed bugs – catching them early is the key.
  • Pro Help: Don’t hesitate to call in the pros if you suspect bed bugs; they know their stuff and can handle it.
  • Ask Questions: Grill the exterminators about their experience, methods, costs, and what to do post-treatment.
  • Follow the Plan: Stick to the post-treatment plan diligently – washing, vacuuming, and keeping an eye out.
  • Keep Watch: Stay vigilant even after treatment; bugs might try a comeback, and quick action is your best defense.

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1. How do I know if I have bed bugs?

Itchy bites on your skin, skin sheds, bloodstains, and fecal matter can be a dead giveaway that you have bed bugs in your home. If you see live bugs, you can assume they’re all over and begin with the infestation process treatment to be safe.

2. Where do bed bugs hide in Canada?

Bedbugs usually hide .in seams and folds of mattresses and box springs, cracks in furniture, tight places near sleeping areas, and clutter.

3. Can I get rid of bed bugs myself in Canada?

Although you can, it is not advisable you try and get rid of bed bugs yourself for a thorough job. For small infestations, you can start with cleaning, vacuuming, heat treatments, and using diatomaceous earth where bed bugs hide.

4. How much does bed bug treatment cost in Canada?

Cost varies depending on infestation size, treatment method, and the region. The cost typically ranges from $500 - $1,000 for small infestations up to $1,000 - $2,000 for larger infestations.

5. How long does bed bug treatment take in Canada?

Most treatments require multiple visits over several weeks depending on the infestation size and treatment method. The initial treatment aims to kill adult bed bugs and eggs and the follow-up treatment targets any surviving nymphs and eggs that hatch later.

6. What additional steps can I take after professional treatment in Canada?

You can wash all bedding and clothes in hot water (minimum 50°C) and dry them on high heat, encase mattresses and box springs in impermeable covers to prevent re-infestation, seal up cracks and crevices in walls and baseboards inspect your home regularly for signs of bed bugs and contact your pest control company if you see any.

7. Can I get bed bugs from traveling in Canada?

Yes, bed bugs can easily hitchhike on luggage, clothing, and used furniture.


Beating bed bugs calls for quick action and a mix of strategies. Whether it’s cleaning up, using diatomaceous earth, applying heat for small issues, or bringing in the pros for bigger battles, pairing these efforts with preventive steps like encasements and regular checks can kick those pests out and bring back your good night’s sleep. 

Keep in mind, catching them early and sticking to the plan are the secrets to success. To get rid of bed bugs, don’t let bed bugs crash at your place.

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