
Can I get rid of bed bugs by building a moat around my bed

Can I get rid of bed bugs by building a moat around my bed

Finding bed bugs in your home can be a disconcerting experience that makes you want to find creative ways to get your living area back. Building a moat around your bed is one of these creative solutions that comes to mind and gives you some early control over the problem. 

To properly address a bed bug infestation, it is necessary to investigate the nuances of this method, comprehend its limitations, and consider more all-encompassing approaches.

What is a bed bug moat?

A bed bug moat is an improvised barrier made of bowls or cups with smooth sides that are usually filled with water or petroleum jelly. The purpose of these containers is to create an impenetrable barrier for bed bugs, and they are positioned strategically around the legs of your bed. 

It is assumed that these nighttime vermin, unable to navigate slick surfaces, would become entangled in the moat before arriving at your bedroom.

Will a bed bug moat work?

Although bed bug moats provide some short-term respite and can act as basic bed bug detectors by catching some bed bugs trying to climb your bed, it’s important to explore the nuances of their efficacy. Bed bug moats do have a small but noticeable effect on early detection and mitigation, therefore they are effective to some level.

When used properly, bed bug moats might provide a brief relief from the immediate menace. They catch bed bugs when they try to enter your sleeping space, functioning as a kind of early warning system. In turn, this system gives you a visual cue that these nocturnal pests are nearby.

Why will a bed bug moat not work?

Craftiness of Bed Bugs

But it’s important to recognize how cunning bed bugs may be. These hardy bugs have a level of flexibility that enables them to identify other routes around the moat. Bed bugs can get across the slick barriers created by clothing, dogs, or other objects placed on the bed, making the moat less effective as a barrier against infestations.

Limitations in coverage

A bed bug moat’s protective coverage is naturally restricted. The way the containers are arranged around the bed legs forms a barrier right next to them. However, it doesn’t cover other possible hiding places, so bed bugs can make use of escape routes and other locations outside the moat’s limited boundaries.

False Sense of Security

A bed bug moat alone could give you a false sense of security. This deceptive assurance may cause serious consequences, including delaying the choice to seek professional assistance. This delay, in turn, compromises the effectiveness of the moat as a complete solution by giving the infestation a chance to spread unchecked.

What could be the alternative to creating a bed moat?

  • Expert Pest Management: This is the best way to completely eradicate pests. Specialist treatments that address every stage of a bed bug’s life cycle are available to professionals.
  • Complete Cleaning: Use hot water to wash bedding, clothing, and possibly infected things, then dry them on high heat. Vacuum baseboards, furniture, and carpets frequently, throwing away the bag outdoors right away.
  • Mattress Encasements: To capture surviving bed bugs and stop fresh infestations, place securely sealed covers over your mattress and box spring.
  • Steam Cleaning: To eliminate bed bugs and their eggs from their hiding spots, use a high-temperature steam cleaner on mattresses, furniture, and upholstered surfaces.

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What is a bed bug moat?

A bed bug moat is an improvised barrier made of smooth-sided containers like bowls or cups, often filled with water or petroleum jelly. These containers are strategically placed around the legs of your bed to create an obstacle for bed bugs, preventing them from reaching your sleeping area.

Will a bed bug moat work?

To some extent, yes. Bed bug moats can provide short-term relief and act as basic detection tools. They may capture some bed bugs attempting to climb your bed, serving as an early warning system and alerting you to their presence.

How do bed bug moats offer relief?

Bed bug moats, when used properly, offer temporary relief by capturing bed bugs in their attempt to enter your sleeping space. This creates a visual cue, indicating the proximity of these pests and allowing for early detection.

Why might a bed bug moat not work?

Craftiness of Bed Bugs: Bed bugs can be crafty and find alternative routes to bypass the moat by hitching rides on clothing, pets, or other objects placed on the bed. Limitations in Coverage: The moat's protective coverage is limited to the immediate area around the bed legs, leaving other potential hiding spots untouched. False Sense of Security: Relying solely on a moat might create a false sense of security, potentially delaying the decision to seek professional help and allowing the infestation to grow.

What could be the alternative to creating a bed bug moat?

Expert Pest Management: Engage professional pest control services for a comprehensive solution. Professionals have access to specialized treatments that address all life stages of bed bugs. Complete Cleaning: Wash bedding and clothing in hot water, vacuum frequently, and dispose of vacuum bags immediately. Mattress Encasements: Place tightly sealed covers over your mattress and box spring to capture surviving bed bugs and prevent new infestations. Steam Cleaning: Use a high-temperature steam cleaner on mattresses, furniture, and upholstered surfaces to eliminate bed bugs and their eggs.

Can a bed bug moat give a false sense of security?

Yes, relying solely on a bed bug moat might provide a false sense of security. This can lead to a delay in seeking professional assistance, allowing the infestation to spread unchecked.

What is the key to effectively dealing with bed bugs?

The key lies in a multifaceted approach. Prioritize professional pest treatment, thorough cleaning practices, preventative measures, and continuous vigilance for an effective and long-lasting solution.

Is early detection important in bed bug control?

Absolutely. Early detection is crucial in addressing bed bug infestations. Swift action, combined with professional assistance and preventive measures, ensures a more successful resolution to reclaim your living space from these unwelcome guests.


A bed bug moat is a useful first line of defense, but it shouldn’t be your main line of defense. Prioritize professional pest treatment along with meticulous cleaning, preventative measures, and continuous attention for an effective and long-lasting solution. 

Recall that the key to getting your peace of mind back and getting your house back from these uninvited visitors is early identification and swift action.

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